Xin Ma
- (11/13/2024) I am honored to be selected as one of the winners for this year’s Department Grant Writing Initiative (DeGRI) award on the project I co-PI with Tian Gu.
- (8/6/2024) I truly enjoyed my first topic-contributed session at JSM 2024 Recent Advances in Statistical Imaging Analysis. Thanks to all the speakers and my co-organizer Dayu Sun!
- (9/7/2023) I start teaching my first full-semester course at the Mailman School of Public Health. The course Applied Regression II covers a wide range of topics including survival data analysis, generalized linear models and linear mixed models. Students come from Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Nursing and beyond. Feeling excited!
- (7/19/2023) Our paper Accounting for temporal variability in functional magnetic resonance imaging improves prediction of intelligence is available online at Human Brain Mapping. Check it out!
I received my BS in Statistics from Peking University and my PhD in Biostatistics from Emory University. My dissertation was advised by Suprateek Kundu, and focused on developing prediction and feature selection methods for complex, high-dimensional data with applications to neuroimaging. I joined Columbia as an assistant professor in 2023.
My current research interests include statistical and deep learning approaches for high-dimensional and complex structured data, with special application interests in medical imaging. I am affiliated with the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center Cancer Biostatistics Shared Resource and an active member of the Functional Data Analysis Working Group (FDAWG). You can email me to join our FDAWG mailing list to keep up-to-date with our events.
I welcome students for collaboration on various research projects. Please email me with a brief self-introduction and state your research interests.
Xin Ma
Department of Biostatistics
Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
722 West 168th St, Room 607
New York, NY 10032